All throughout the year, you depend on your water heater. Like with any other system in your home, your water heater is susceptible to damage and the effects of time, which is why it’s important to have it repaired periodically to make sure you get the most out of it. Here are four of the top signs that you need a water heater repair service.
- Inconsistent water temperature. When the water temperature keeps fluctuating, you’ll need to have a professional take a look at your water heater. There are a few different potential causes of this issue, but regardless of what your water heater’s issue is, you’ll need a water heater repair service to get your water temperature consistent again.
- Water discoloration. One of the most noticeable signs that you need water heater repair is the state of your water, specifically whether or not it’s discolored. If your water has recently become cloudy, be sure to talk to a professional right away, especially if the water also has a strange odor.
- Water heater leakage. Any visible damages or issues with your water heater are sure signs that it needs to be checked out, including any leakage. A leaking water heater can cause other issues in your home, so don’t ignore it.
- Decreased water flow. Water flow may begin to slow down if there’s some sort of buildup in your water heater, so if you’ve noticed that you have a decreased water flow, especially with hot water, you may need water heater repair.
If you’ve encountered any of these issues with your water heater and want to make sure they get resolved by the right team, call us here at Air On Time AC today.