Did you know there are air conditioning appreciation days? Throughout the world, these “holidays” occur any time between mid and late summer. This makes sense, as July and August tend to be the hottest months of the year. But while many people associate August with the return of cooler temperatures, the summer heat often persists. This is especially true in Texas!
With that in mind, we at Air On Time AC would like to share some tips to help you stay cool with functioning air conditioning during the sweltering August heat. To start, your air conditioning unit in late summer has already been running hard for the last several months, and while it likely needs a break, it can’t give up yet. To reduce the amount of work your air conditioning unit has to do, try using some other methods to help cool your home, such as closing the blinds and using sun-blocking curtains in sunny windows.
You could also turn on your ceiling fans to help circulate the cool air and avoid using appliances that generate heat during the hot parts of the day. If possible, wait until the sun has set and the temperatures have cooled to cook food, run the dishwasher, or do laundry. Even taking showers is better to do at night, as the humidity can cause your home to warm up intensely during the day.
Additionally, make sure you’ve been maintaining your air conditioning so it’s running in tip-top condition. This is where our skilled team can help, as we’re capable of performing virtually any air conditioning-related work you might need. Contact us today if you’re in need of air conditioning services.