It isn’t a bad idea to be proactive with heating replacement.
If you own your Conroe, Texas home long enough, there is a good chance that at some point you’ll need our heating replacement services. At Air On Time AC, we are very good at keeping heating systems functioning as long as possible, but that doesn’t mean your furnace or boiler will last forever. At some point, the repairs will be complex and costly enough to warrant putting those funds toward heating replacement instead. In addition, you may want to upgrade your heating system before it fails to take advantage of a newer model with improved energy efficiency.
It isn’t a bad idea to be proactive with heating replacement. If your furnace or boiler is no longer operating efficiently, you are spending more every month on heating costs that could instead be invested in new equipment. It is worth looking at financing options to see how much of your payment could be covered by energy savings.
It is also a good idea to move forward with heating replacement if you want to have reliable heat for your family. The peace of mind that comes with a new furnace or boiler has tremendous value.
We are happy to assess your current heating system and determine its estimated remaining functional life and what energy efficiency you could experience with a heating replacement. We will go over all your options and answer your questions so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and heating system inspection.